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Position:Home > 2022 > June

Chen Ruifeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xining Municipal Party Committee, visited Qinghai Zhongli Company

Author: Time:2022-06-30 Hit:1268

On the morning of June 2, Chen Ruifeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xining Municipal Party Committee; Li Xiaoniu, member of the Standing Committee of the Xining Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Mayor, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone; member of the Party Working Committee of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone , Deputy Director of the Management Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongchuan Industrial Park, Director of the Management Committee Zhao Jianwen and others visited Qinghai Zhongli for research and inspection. The management of the company accompanied the whole process. Secretary Chen Ruifeng inquired and learned about Qinghai Zhongli Company's epidemic prevention situation, operation situation, safety production and employees' living security situation in detail during the process.

General Manager Wang Jun reported that: During this epidemic, the company presciently launched an emergency plan for maintaining production during the epidemic. All employees work and live in factories and dormitories, ensuring the company's production and operation order. Although the epidemic did have a certain impact on the company's production and operation, with the support of leaders at all levels of the government and the enthusiastic service of leaders at all levels in the park, the company has achieved a basically smooth supply chain and orderly production during the operation process. Stable, safe and reliable process, optimistic and positive employees.

Every concern and problem raised by Secretary Chen Ruifeng, general manager Wang Jun made a serious and detailed report one by one, and the whole process was permeated in a relaxed, harmonious and pragmatic atmosphere.

At the end of the investigation, Secretary Chen Ruifeng put forward three requirements and encouragement to Qinghai Zhongli Company: continue to maintain good epidemic prevention measures; continue to maintain a stable production order; continue to maintain a safe and controllable production environment. Wang Jun answered this in the affirmative: please rest assured, we will implement your instructions.