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Creating new waterways to support new development

Author: Time:2024-04-28 Hit:290

Changzhou Marine Cable Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Changzhou Ship Cable"), a core subsidiary of China National Profit Corporation, has military marine cable production qualification, is one of the most certified enterprises in China by the Classification Society, and is also the only enterprise in China that has the qualification of supporting Brazil National Petroleum Corporation and the supporting performance of large LNG ships.

Recently, accompanied by the person in charge of Changzhou Shipline, leaders from Jianfa Emerging Energy led a team to visit COSCO Shipping, a key customer of Changzhou Shipline Company. The two sides had good and efficient communication on ensuring the stable operation of Changzhou Shipline, locking in raw material prices, and sharing market resources. In addition, Jianfa Steel is also a core supplier of other sister companies of COSCO Shipping. Through supply chain business cooperation, Jianfa will provide more comprehensive support to Changzhou Shipline in terms of resource introduction, cost reduction and efficiency improvement in the future.
The support of Jianfa Emerging Energy has opened up a new channel for the business operation of Changzhou Shipline, which helps to promote the restructuring of Changzhou Shipline itself, assist in the coordinated restructuring of Changzhou Shipline and Zhongli Group, and return to the fast lane of healthy development.