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Talesun participated in the Symposium of Suzhou Independent Brand Enterprise Advanced Technology Research Institute and won the award

Author: Time:2018-02-28 Hit:8644

On February 28th, Wang Baixing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zhongli Group, attended the symposium of the first batch of Suzhou Independent Brands and Leading Enterprises Advanced Technology Research Institute organized by Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on behalf of Talesun Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Zhongli Group. And won the municipal government awarded the Suzhou City Enterprise Advanced Technology Research Institute.

As one of the 20 “peak enterprises” in Suzhou, Talesun successfully won the first batch of Suzhou Large Enterprise Brand Research Institute projects in 2017. Suzhou Independent Brands and Leading Enterprises Advanced Technology Research Institute is the implementation of the Advanced Technology Research Institute of Suzhou Municipal Committee and Municipal Government in accordance with the “Several Measures for Building Advanced Manufacturing Bases” and “Suzhou City Encourage Independent Brands and Leading Enterprises” The spirit of the Opinions encourages local enterprises in Suzhou to fully develop technological innovation and transformation and upgrade, implement the innovation-driven development strategy, fully implement the “Made in China 2025 Suzhou Implementation Outline”, actively explore institutional and institutional innovation, and promote independent brand enterprises and leading enterprises. The company plays a leading role in the province's innovation pattern, highlights original achievements in promoting independent innovation, builds iconic brands based on comprehensive improvement of innovation level, and promotes “Suzhou Manufacturing” to “Created in Suzhou”. At the same time, it will inspire independent brand big enterprises and leading enterprises to continue to innovate and create vitality, take the frontier technology research as the main line, take the key technology industrialization as the core, play the leading role of leading the demonstration, optimize the integration of industry superior resources and diversified innovation resources, and radiate It will promote the enthusiasm and creativity of all kinds of innovative subjects, and give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in supporting the economy and society. Explore the establishment of a new mechanism for independent innovation, collaborative innovation, and open innovation for leading industries, and strive to realize the transformation of Suzhou's industrial economy's core competitiveness from technology input to technology originality through the innovation chain, industrial chain and innovation ecosystem.

Talesun has fully established the construction conditions of the Innovative Large Enterprise Brand Research Institute, and has achieved in terms of hardware facilities, software facilities, capital support, innovation carriers, innovation models, staffing, industry-university-research cooperation capabilities, and results transformation capabilities. Leading level. By integrating all aspects of resources, the company is based on the existing research institutes, aiming at the goal, and taking technological innovation as the driving force, continuously increasing R&D innovation investment and transformation of results, contributing a lot to the industry in the new era. Excellent results of value and actively cultivate outstanding talents for the industry. At the same time, through the construction of the institute, we will fully build the company's brand and contribute to the rapid development of the company and the entire photovoltaic industry.

Wang Baixing pointed out: Talesun has always attached great importance to R&D innovation and brand building work, especially in the areas of technology and product R&D innovation, quality management system construction and operation management, brand system construction and operation management, etc., all insisting on “continuous innovation and excellence”. The principle has made great contributions to the company's innovation and brand building. For Talesun, in-depth implementation of the "Made in China 2025 Jiangsu Action Plan", and actively respond to the call of the country to build Chinese brands, is the company's comprehensive breakthrough in brand building, level improvement, technological innovation, structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading. The important strategic project is also the key project that enables Talesun to strive to expand the regional influence of the brand and gradually move towards the domestic and international brand market. The company will rely on the platform of Suzhou Large Enterprise Brand Research Institute to continuously improve the company's scientific and technological innovation work, continue to increase investment in research and development, and actively promote the company's development of high-value technology research and development and manufacturing of large brand enterprises. Bringing high-quality and efficient results, talents and services to the photovoltaic new energy industry and promoting the rapid development of power station industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promote the progress of the new energy industry!