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Zhongli Group\'s 2019 annual marketing work conference was held

Author: Time:2019-01-31 Hit:3082

On January 28th, Zhongli Group held the 2019 annual marketing work conference at the company headquarters. Wang Weifeng, president of Zhongli Group, made a work report, summed up the three major indicators and shortcomings of the 2018 Group, and put forward requirements for the work focus in 2019. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zhongli Holding Group, Wang Baixing, Vice President Chen Xinxiang, Chen Hui and the backbone of the marketing lines of the companies of the Group attended the meeting.

In his work report, Wang Weifeng first expounded the great situation of global economic development in 2018. The economic environment at home and abroad is complicated, the Sino-US trade war, the excessive de-leverage of domestic finance, and the rapid and irrational changes in the PV industry policy. Photovoltaic manufacturing, poverty alleviation projects, and optical cable industries have brought unprecedented pressures and difficulties. The Group and various companies have actively adopted various corresponding measures. In the face of difficulties, they have stimulated the strength of Zhongli people to forge ahead, turn pressure into motivation, and turn challenges into opportunities. After everyone's joint efforts, we have achieved certain results. I am grateful to the sales elites.

Wang Weifeng made a brief review of the work of the companies in the 2018 Group: First, summed up the completion of the economic indicators of the companies of the Group; Second, analyzed the main reasons for the market lines of the unfinished economic targets; Group company's work objectives; Fourth, instructions on how to complete the 2019 comprehensive goals and tasks.

At the meeting, Wang Weifeng proposed the overall development plan of the stock group. He pointed out that each section of the stock group is the core industry of Zhongli Holding Group, involving five major sectors: cable, fiber optic cable, photovoltaic, new materials and electronics. In 2019, it is necessary to realize profit margin, repay the money and stabilize growth. He stressed that while ensuring the completion of these three goals, it is necessary to increase the assessment, train the talent team, do a good job in the assessment of sales lines, and achieve a stronger development advantage.

Finally, Wang Weifeng asked the marketing backbones of all of you to complete the annual comprehensive goals and tasks: Strengthen the importance of receivables, adjust the customer base structure, research and develop products that meet market needs, cultivate and introduce excellent sales talents, improve wind control and enforcement, improve effective reward and punishment systems, and strengthen cooperation among companies. . In the meeting, Wang Weifeng proposed the “industry joint marketing” innovative sales model, requiring companies to fully communicate the resources and information sharing, especially the existing pattern, and achieve cross-industry extension of sales.

      The vice presidents of marketing of each company made exchange speeches and actively discussed the work instructions of Wang Weifeng, the president of the group, in the group discussion, and expressed their efforts to complete or exceed the annual work targets.