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Secretary of Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee investigates Talesun Peixian Intelligent manufacturing base

Author: Time:2022-05-31 Hit:1435

On the afternoon of May 21, 2022, Song Lewei, secretary of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, and his party investigated the Talesun Intelligent Manufacturing Base in Peixian County. Wang Baixing, chairman of Zhongli Group, Chen Xinxiang, vice president, and Cheng Dijun, executive vice president of Talesun Peixian Company, accompanied the investigation.

Song Lewei went deep into the production workshop and had a cordial exchange with Wang Baixing on the first phase of 3GW battery, 3GW module intelligent manufacturing process technology, cost control and the latest situation of industry development.

Wang Baixing introduced the development of Peixian Talesun New Energy Base, which is one of the six production bases of Zhongli Group in China. The total project plan is 8GW monocrystalline high-efficiency cells and 8GW large-size high-efficiency modules. The first phase of the 3GW battery and 3GW module project, with the strong support of the governments at all levels in Pei County and the Economic Development Zone, will start construction in June 2021, and the products will be offline in November of the same year. The realization of this speed is inseparable from the concern and strong support of the leaders of Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and Pei County at all levels.

Song Lewei highly praised the advanced intelligent manufacturing of Talesun New Energy Base in Peixian County, affirmed the progress of the project and the professionalism of the management team, and focused on the new energy industry in Peixian Economic and Technological Development Zone. Through intensive research on industries to expand industrial clusters, precise attacks to focus on strengthening the chain and supplementing the chain, and refined services to optimize the business environment, set up a special work class for the Peixian Talesun new energy project, and fully support the project to praise.

Since the beginning of this year, Talesun New Energy in Peixian County has "corrected both" in epidemic prevention and control and production and operation, overcoming many difficulties, bucking the trend, and achieving breakthroughs in difficult situations. While ensuring the efficient operation of existing production lines, speed up the promotion of The smooth progress of the follow-up projects has also been fully affirmed by Song Lewei and his party.

During the investigation process, Song Lewei put forward important work instructions to the management team of Pei County Talesun New Energy: continue to do a good job in safety management, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control safety and production safety, and at the same time speed up the construction of follow-up projects, seize new opportunities for photovoltaic development, and respond to The national "Double Carbon" call, take root in Pei County to achieve greater development.