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The 2023 Jiangsu Province High Value Patent Cultivation Project (Suzhou) Demonstration Site Meeting was Successfully Held

Author: Time:2023-09-30 Hit:703

On the afternoon of August 29, 2023, the demonstration site meeting of the Jiangsu High Value Patent Cultivation Project (Suzhou) was successfully held at the Suzhou Intercontinental Hotel. More than 110 people participated in this demonstration meeting, leading and promoting the experience of high-value patent cultivation projects in Suzhou.

The meeting was hosted by the Jiangsu Provincial Intellectual Property Office, co organized by the Suzhou Municipal Intellectual Property Office, and jointly organized by Jiangsu Zhongli Group Co., Ltd. and Baoshi Technology (China) Co., Ltd. Deputy Director Shi Weibing, a member of the Party Group of the Suzhou Market Supervision and Administration Bureau (Intellectual Property Bureau), Director Zhang Chunye of the Intellectual Property Industry Promotion Department of the Suzhou Intellectual Property Bureau, and leaders and responsible persons of the intellectual property bureaus of various districts and cities in Suzhou attended the meeting. Representatives of provincial and municipal high-value project undertaking units and industrial chain related enterprises also attended the meeting.
The first agenda item of the meeting is to share corporate experience. Chen Xinxiang, Vice President of Zhongli Group, reported on the High Value Patent Cultivation Demonstration Center. Chen Xinxiang shares on the refinement of patent layout, application of patent system, integration of patents and standards, and industrialization of patent technology.
On the second agenda of the meeting, Deputy Director Shi Weibing,commented on the high-value patent cultivation work of the two companies and highly praised the high-value patent cultivation work of the two project undertaking units. The Bureau pointed out that the original intention of the Provincial Bureau's establishment of the high-value patent cultivation plan was to provide enterprises with patents that can be used as real weapons, rather than manufacturing dumb guns and dumb guns that win by quantity. The implementation bureau believes that the most important aspect of the provincial high-value patent cultivation plan project is to cultivate and explore according to methodology, and the undertaking unit should take high-value projects as the starting point to form a long-term mechanism for cultivating high-value patents. The purpose of holding a demonstration meeting is to cultivate the center to play a leading role in demonstration. We hope that all enterprises present will take this meeting as an opportunity to study the workflow of high-value patent cultivation, further improve the practicality and quality of patents, and actively explore replicable and promotable high-value patent cultivation paths and models.
The third agenda item of the meeting is the expert themed sharing session. Yang Linjie, Director of Suzhou Weishipeng Intellectual Property Agency, and Xue Qian, Analyst of Jiangsu Intellectual Property Protection Center, conducted content sharing on "Analysis and Enforcement Elements of High Value Patent Cultivation Standards" and "Utilization of Patent Information in the Process of High Value Patent Cultivation", respectively, and analyzed how to cultivate high value patents from different dimensions.
This meeting has played a good demonstration and guidance role in vigorously promoting the experience and practices of high-value patent projects in Jiangsu Province, providing an opportunity for Suzhou Intellectual Property Office, various district and city Intellectual Property Offices, and various enterprises in Suzhou to cultivate and exchange high-value patents. It has profound significance for enterprises in Suzhou to vigorously carry out high-value patent layout during the 14th Five Year Plan period.