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The 2024 Zhongli Group Science and Technology Line work Conference was held

Author: Time:2024-03-31 Hit:426

On the afternoon of March 1, Zhongli Group organized the 2024 Science and Technology line work Conference. Zhongli Group Vice President Chen Xinxiang, Sun Jianyu, Changzhou Cable President Liu Yanxin, Liaoning Zhongde President Sun Bailiang, Qinghai Zhongli Executive Vice President Wei Xiaoming, Ningxia Zhongsheng General Manager Yang Liguo and other companies in charge of line deputy general manager, head of technology department, head of finance, representatives of the group engineering center attended the meeting. The conference adopted a combination of online and offline methods, focusing on summarizing experience, clarifying direction, encouraging forward and expanding capabilities.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the company reported in detail the completion of the work of the science and technology line in 2023 and the work deployment in 2024; The problems and deficiencies in the work are deeply analyzed, and the improvement measures and work targets for the New Year are put forward. Chen Xinxiang and Sun Jianyu discussed and analyzed with the companies respectively, and at the same time encouraged and commended the 2023 Group Science and Technology Innovation President Special Award and Science and Technology Innovation Pioneer Award.
Then, the meeting invited Yuan Yinan, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Tianshun Accounting Firm, to give on-site lectures, conduct special training on the compliance use of special funds and the financial attention of high evaluation, and focus on the key points of capital planning and prone to problems in the enterprise project declaration. This paper analyzes the compliance of special funds and puts forward solutions to the financial problems encountered in the declaration of high enterprises by using practical cases. In addition, the person in charge of the Zhongliji Audit and Assessment Center will do special training on R & D fees, deduction and precautions, and combine relevant cases with in-depth explanation and guidance from policy changes, preferential content, data retention, and existing problems to ensure that enterprises should be fully aware and enjoy. After the training, the participants said that the teaching content is substantial, practical and benefited a lot.
Finally, Chen Xinxiang made a concluding speech. He said that in 2023, the science and technology line of Zhongli Group completed the annual goals and tasks, and the achievements were hard-won, and the efforts of the companies were fully affirmed; At the same time, it puts forward requirements for the work plan of each company of Zhongli Group in 2024, emphasizing that the whole group should perform its job responsibilities well, understand the policies, retain talents, be more meticulous in work, formulate feasible measures, and always sum up experience, reflect on problems, clarify the direction and motivate the move forward; All companies of the Group are required to strengthen the overall coordination of technical resources, strengthen internal interaction and communication, and share internal resources to ensure the successful completion of the annual target of the New Year.