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Position:Home > 2020 > January

Secretary of the CPC Committee of Changshu City, investigated the resumption of epidemic prevention and control of Zhongli Group

Author: Time:2020-01-31 Hit:2279

On the morning of February 8th, Zhou Qin, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Shajiabang Town to investigate Zhongli Group's resumption preparation and epidemic prevention and control work, and required enterprises to effectively take the responsibility of the main body of epidemic prevention and control, and those who have the necessary conditions should gradually and safely resume work.

At Zhongli Group ,Zhou Qindi asked the person in charge of the enterprise about the management of the left-behind employees during the Spring Festival, the survey of returning employees, and the reserves of epidemic prevention materials, and asked the company if there were any difficulties in the supply of raw materials and export of goods. Half of the Zhongli Group are local employees, and most of the foreign employees in non-key epidemic areas will return to normal before returning to work.

Zhou Qindi asked the company to implement the main responsibilities, strengthen the management of returnees, take detailed measures to prevent and control returning employees during settling or renting, and formulate behavioral norms and punishment regulations for epidemic prevention and control employees. Director, workshop director, etc., to ensure that all staff are in place.

During the investigation, Zhou Qindi also heard a report on preparations for resumption of work in Shajiabang Town. In the next week, more than 60 regulated enterprises in the town will first return to work in batches.

Zhou Qindi asked the town to strengthen communication with the enterprise, accurately grasp the number and situation of returning workers to the company, arrange temporary resettlement sites, assist in the epidemic prevention and control of returning workers, and ensure that enterprises can start work safely and early.