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2021 Zhongli Group's postdoctoral workstation special meeting was successfully held

Author: Time:2021-07-31 Hit:2421

On July 15, Zhongli Group held a post-doctoral workstation special meeting to assess the work of the three Ph.Ds Song Wangze, Guo Ning, and Xu Xiaowei present. Leaders and review experts attending the report include: Yao Liang, deputy director of Changshu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Li Wenping, member of Shajiabang Town People's Government, Changshu City, Zheng Yubin, professor of Dalian University of Technology, Liu Zili, professor of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Jiangnan University professor Zhang Jun, Professor Wang Xueyuan and Gao Junguo of Harbin University of Science and Technology, Chen Xinxiang, Vice President of Zhongli Holding Group, Sun Jianyu, Executive President of Jiangsu Zhongli Company, etc.

At the meeting, Song Wangze gave a report entitled "Basic Research on the Application of High Temperature Polymer Composite Materials for Heating Cables", and Guo Ning gave a report entitled "Research and Development of PP/SEBS Polymer Elastomer Insulation Composite Materials for Liquid Cooling Cables" Xu Xiaowei gave a report entitled "Research on Green Technology Innovation Behavior of Cable Enterprises". The experts at the meeting listened carefully to the reports of the doctors, exchanged and inquired separately, and provided valuable guidance on how to improve on-site research opinion. After comprehensive evaluation by the members of the expert group, it was unanimously agreed that all the doctors passed the assessment.

Yao Liang, deputy director of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Changshu City, fully affirmed the achievements of Zhongli Group’s post-doctoral research workstations, and hopes to continue to standardize and institutionalize the management of post-doctoral workstations, strengthen the assessment of research work for inbound doctors, and form a good team. The cultivation mechanism. Chen Xinxiang, vice president of Zhongli Holding Group, expressed his gratitude to the leaders and experts who attended this meeting, and said that he would further promote the construction and operation of the Zhongli Group’s postdoctoral workstation, promote high-level industry-university-research cooperation, and give full play to post-doctoral and scientific and technological teams. The supporting and leading role of Zhongli Group's independent innovation continues to accelerate the transformation of major achievements.